Where's WALL-E?
How many famous robots do you recognize? Where's WALL-E? http://tdwgeeks.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/u1gu1.jpeg I know rather a lot of those robots. There are at least 2 'robots' in that picture that...
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Heh, cool! I see Calculon and Beder, Marvin the paranoid android, Klaatu, Sherman from Millineum (the scifi flick with Kris Kristofferson), and that golden owl from the original Clash of the Titans....
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DnDChick wrote: Huey and Louie (and Dewey's leg), from Silent RunningOne of my favorite Sci-Fi movies
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A Dalek is not a robot, and Nick Chopper the Tin Man is also not a robot. He's had every part of him except his heart replaced with tin, so technically he's a cyborg.On that same not, the Cybermen...
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I see robots from:StarblazersBattle of the PlanetsMuffit from the original BSGa robot mouse and cat from Tom and Jerry cartoonsThe robot parody of C-3PO voiced by Joanne RiversThe Bad Robot...
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Wycen Adamantite wrote:I can't place the name or movie the round copper robot under the washer banging Robot Chicken robot...I'm thinking Disney or something from the 90's.That's Tik-Tok, from the Oz...
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I do remember him, but I'd never have guessed it was an Oz movie. I was thinking Labyrinth or something. Maybe a Tim Burton movie. Didn't Labyrinth have mechanical people?
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